Good news: Free Shipping On Orders Over $120.
Shipping Info
We serve over 100 countries:
If your country is not listed above, please contact customer service for help.
Your Estimated Delivery Date will be given during checkout and is based on the products selected, shipping address, and shipping method.
Based on the experience of many of our customers, delivery to most physical addresses occurs within 5 to 25 business days. Business days are Monday to Friday.
We do not charge tax. However, local customs may impose taxes upon arrival. The carrier will usually pay these fees on your behalf and collect them from you at the time of delivery.
For EU countries, customs typically charge 20% or more in tax. We will cover this tax and only charge you 8% of the order payment when you check out.
You can view the status of your shipment by visiting our Track Order page or by using the communication received via email. Please note, it may take up to a week for a carrier to scan your order into the tracking system.
You can change your shipping information at any time before it enters the shipping process.
Please contact our customer service as soon as possible if you would like to change your shipping information.
We cannot change your shipping information in any way after it has entered our shipping process.
To ensure timely delivery of your parcel, please provide accurate shipping address and contact information when placing your order.
If your order does not arrive as expected., it may have been lost in transit. You can contact our customer service to have the package resent for you.
But before contacting our customer service, please inquire with your family or neighbors if they have received the package on your behalf, or check with the local carrier if the package has been delivered.
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you may return your item to us within 30 days of receiving the parcel to receive a full refund or exchange for a new item.
No matter the reason for your dissatisfaction.
Please feel free to contact us first and ship the item to the correct address in marketable condition.
(We only accept returned jerseys without customized badges, names, or numbers)
Please contact us through online chat during business hours, and please reach out to our customer service via email or WhatsApp during non-business hours to receive a faster reply.
Our working hours are 20:00-5:00 (Eastern Time) every day.